Sunday, September 28, 2008




“诱惑” 一词出<淮南子>, "诱" 乃诱導的意思 "惑" 是給人以假象之意, 就是要誘導人得思維方式與行動為主。步入吃歧途。人在红尘, 風軟花香。可以說诱惑無時不再, 無處不有: 名利的诱惑 金錢的诱惑, 美食的诱惑等等, 不一而足以。 凡事種種, 都能勾起人的聯想, 激發人的欲望, 可令人欲得之而后快。 在诱惑面前,有人接受了,有人拒绝。


回顾中国历史上的清官,他们都能拒绝诱惑,以高尚的品格为战胜诱惑树立了楷模,比如说西汉司马迁面对朝中李广派人送来一块稀世玉壁,道出的是“白壁可贵之处是没有白斑痕污点,物如此,人何尝不是呢? 如果收下这样珍贵的玉壁,我身上就有污点了。”为何先在的社会制里,没有人愿意学习古人呢?

面对诱惑,怎样才能勒住自己的心猿意马之心呢?人们应让“道心”掺入日常生活中,“入色界不被色惑,入声界不被声惑,入香界不被香惑,入味界不被味惑,入触界不被触惑,” 在物欲世界保持清静超脱之心而不染,这才算得“本源自性天真佛。三恶道中解脱人”。然而,面对种种诱惑,一些人不仅丧失了拒绝的能力。所以, 一些高官贵爵都纷纷落为信念,方纵了贪欲。


Tuesday, September 23, 2008



不如說 願意分擔你悲傷的人 才是愛你的人 ~因為要分享快樂太容易了。如果我把悲傷同時告我愛的人,而及時安慰我與我共度難關的人,才是把我當作廝守終身的人 ~但是 男人的思緒往往是逆向而行的 ....如果他不願把他的悲傷告訴那個人,而那個人才是他所愛的人,因為他真的不忍看他最親的人為他憂心罷了。

慎選一份值得堅持的感情的愛~只要一點點衝動就可以!可是了解卻少些默契都不行!學相愛不只是走進對方的生活!更要能走入彼此的生命 ~ ~

Friday, September 19, 2008

Result Only One.

Tommoro is the special day for all the people who lived in the sarawak because it will affect the future power control of Parlimen P195 are falling to which Parti who for flighting the benefit for all the citisen which lived in the bandaraya kuching.That why tommoro will be a lot of publiciti will be going to court for listen of the finally decision from the higherst court in the sarawak will announce the result of whether parlimery Bandaraya kuching will be countined in the Parti DAP or not ?

What is the hope for the citisen who lived in the kuching? Are still remaind same result as the election this years which support the Partu DAP? or some of them already change their thinking which that their finally reliase that goverment are good for them future?

We are don't know about it because we are no a witch either or god which can predict future of human or bandaraya kuching life. But sometime, we can change our lived or future when we are want to work more harder than other poeple, learn more knowleadge and exploring the new things than other people. For example like spirict of japanesse people when their country had been boom during the secound war world. Their didn't gave up their own country but in otherhand they're made their own country much better than before.

That why no matter what result is coming out tommoro, we must no blame each other side because the true and fact already there and we can't change anything. Only keep remember in the future, we must flight for our own future but no let other people flight for us. So that, we are no cheat by people. Beside that, Clear our brand thinking wisely when we made a good desicion. This action will made our coutry more beauty and no missy like now.