Tuesday, October 28, 2008


由三級貧戶一躍成為“總統”的陳水扁,為非作歹、魚肉台灣人民八年,如今“大限”終于到了!天理昭昭、法網恢恢!貪污犯陳水扁變為階下囚,寫下台灣“卸任元首”坐牢的紀錄。可笑的是陳水扁,还敢说大喊「政治迫害」、「司法迫害」、「台灣加油」, 「台灣加油」、「台灣人民萬歲」、「台灣民主萬歲」、「台灣獨立萬歲」可想而之,他真的非常厚脸皮。不要脸。自己做错了,还死都不悔改。甚至,他还想出絕食舉動来博取外出就醫制造理由和人民的同情。可悲!!!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008


我想每一个家里人都追着看台湾台所播放八点正“娘家”。每当一看完了的时候,都很气得骂角色中的人物,但他们有没有想一想自己,家人或亲人就跟故事影片中得人物是一样呢?在人们的眼睛和心里只有比谁有钱,姐妹哥弟争家产 和 婆媳争风吃醋的事件完完全全地出呈现现在的华人社会上。几十年的姐妹哥弟的亲情算什么?难道就比钱来得一文不值?道德教育,古代的三字经,作人的道理在他们的脑袋里跑到那儿去了?唉!悲哀呀!人生何必过得如此呢?


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wonderful Way of Success in LIFE

Everyone know how to become a sucessful person in their life. What would you have to be doing to feel that you are a sucessful person? What does success mean to you? When we said about this question, a lot of people will giving a different kinds of opinion. For Example, All of us are born with a reason, but all of us don't discover why. Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It's what you do for others.
For me, Success has many facets. Achieving what can be termed as a major triumph such as success in your work or personal victory after a long , hard slog can bring a wonderful sense of euphoria when - and if - you finally get to the peak. But what about those of us who prefer to pace ourselves? after all, each of us has the capacity to be successful in our own rights whether we run like the hare or take a slower that can bring about daily successes. This can include anything that takes you that extra mile such as finishing a piece of work that contributes towards the bigger picture or learning a new skill. Rewarding yourself for smaller sucesses on a daily basis makes life's journey more pleasant while giving the sense that you're reallu getting the most out of each day.
Sometime, we need to do with having the freedom to make choices and the be the person you want to be. It isn't diffucult to find to success. Only you may be successful in the eyes of the world and have all the trappings that go with it, but if you path doesn't come from the heart, no matter how successful you are, you will always feel that something is missing. The most important to remember is that success is relative to your own personal circumstances, what you get out of your goals and how you decide to get there is ultimately down to you.
So, certainly be inspired and motivatied by the success of others, but keep in mind that the success is as individual as you are. You just need to stop and consider what success means specially for you and just go for it !