砂首長丕顯斯里泰益瑪目退位, 肯定會給行動黨在競選和政治宣傳上帶來一定的衝擊。 不管他們承不承認, 基本上他們已失去一項有利的競選和攻擊國陣的課題。
上屆州選,行動黨不斷向選民特別是華裔選民“打毒藥”, 極力醜化泰益瑪目,也打出“白毛不倒,人民吃草”口號。 整個競選主軸是集中在泰益瑪目一人身上, 結果這種人身攻擊和具有污衊性的手段,誤導許多城市華裔選民。
現在泰益瑪目真正退位了,也順應行動黨長期來要他下台的願意, 照理說行動黨應開心,不放爆竹慶祝,也應飲酒助興。
但是,泰益瑪目退位了,他們却擔心西馬巫統會趁機進入砂州, 所以砂州行動黨委員會主席張健仁就提出要國陣白字黑字寫明巫統不 會進行砂州的協議。
砂州人民長期能安居樂業,主要是本州4個國陣成員黨都是本土政黨 ,他們在泰益瑪目領導下以維護砂州主權和利益優先, 促使巫統或其他西馬國陣政黨沒必要進入砂州。
泰益瑪目強悍而不畏懼拒絕巫統進入砂州的表現, 獲得行動黨領袖包括秘書長林冠英的認同。不過,我們不僅要問, 既然行動黨領袖知道泰益瑪目的領導對砂州極為重要, 但為何一開始就對他進行有策劃性的攻擊,非要逼他退位不可。 今天他退位了,又說要簽署協議,到底張健仁的居心何在。
張健仁一開始就在玩弄選民的智慧, 完全沒把泰益瑪目在維護砂州主權的重要性坦承告訴選民, 只是一味荼毒他們的思想和製造仇恨,以爭取選民投票支持, 這種不顧砂州利益的政治人物,不適合成為砂州人民。 砂州領袖與巫統領袖之間作出怎樣的合作,輪不到張健仁開聲建議, 他根本沒這個資格,因為張健仁所屬的行動黨, 支持的人民公正黨和伊斯蘭黨都是來自西馬。
在這個關鍵問題上,他還能拿什麼論調說西馬政黨不能進入砂州, 當砂土保黨、砂人聯黨、砂人民黨和砂民進黨,這四個砂本土政黨努 力不懈為主砂州利益時, 行動黨已把存有極端思想的伊斯蘭黨引進砂州, 也讓存有整個議程的人民公正黨有立足之地。所以, 行動黨是分裂砂州,催生西馬政黨剝奪砂州利益的禍首。 若張健仁擔心巫統會進入砂州,他就應脫離行動黨, 也拒絕人民公正黨和伊斯蘭黨,以行動捍衛砂州, 否則他是一名虛偽、沒有立場的言論破產者。
我們挑戰張健仁拒絕与西馬為主的政黨為伍,即刻退出行動黨, 但他敢嗎?
Cowardy Chong Chieng Jen?
Chief Minister of Sarawak YAB Pehin Sri Haji Adbul Taib bin Haji Mahmud has made his resignation official following the recentpublic announcement. This, without a doubt, has impacted DAP up to a certain level when it comes to their election campaign and propaganda strategies. The fact is, whether they like it or not, their most prominent target is now off the radar screen and they can no longer use their most powerful weapon in their arsenal to attack Sarawak BN and other state BN components the way they did in their last few campaigns.
In the last two campaigns, DAP’s candidates and their cyber troopers spared no effort in poisoning the voters’ mind by demonizing the Chief Minister in the most despicable, sinister and deceiving ways they possibly could, with the Chinese voters being their main targeted audience of course. If we can all remember, that was also the time when they came out with the campaign slogan in Chinese that reads “if White Hair does not fall people will eat grass” which literally means “the people will suffer if CM remains in power”. DAP’s campaign strategies, as many of us could have expected, spindled almost entirely around Taib Mahmud alone. Unfortunately, DAP’s approach which focused mostly on smearing and personal attacking their political rivals had successfully influenced the minds of urban Chinese voters.
Now that Taib Mahmud has finally decided to step down when his named his successor and the date of his resignation was recently announced. DAP’s leadership in Sarawak should be more than just happy since this is what their leaders have been fighting for so hard for all these years. DAP leaders should open a bottle of Champagne or light up fire crackers to celebrate this historical event for their political struggle in the past many years is finally realized.
Now that all their excitement has finally subsided and out of the blue, their top leadership starts sing in a completely differenttune and is worried that UMNO may eventually come in to Sarawak. DAP Sarawak’s Chairman Chong Chieng Jen, beating himself with his own staff, demanded that a motion to be tabled in the state legislative assembly to keep UMNO out of Sarawak in black and white. People are scratching their heads with DAP’s inconsistency and many are wondering what’s next?
Thanks to Sarawak State Barisan, where all four of its component parties are our very own local Sarawakian parties, people of Sarawak have lived in peace and harmony for many decades in spite of our cultural and ethnic diversities. Under the leadership of Taib Mahmud, Sarawak State Barisan had fervently defended and safeguarded the rights and interests of our fellow Sarawakian. The strong presence of Sarawak State Barisan was the reason whyUMNO and other West Malaysia based parties had not set foot on the land of hornbill, because there was simply no need to.
Taib Mahmud’s absolute political dominance had given him the leverage to negotiate and fearlessly reject UMNO’s political migration even DAP’s leaders including its Secretary General Lim Guan Eng had recognized and applauded his great contributions to the people of Sarawak. Since DAP is well aware of the great importance and significance of Taib’s rule over Sarawak, then why conspired and plotted against him since day one that even his family members were not spared?? Now that Taib Mahmud has made his resignation official, Chong Chieng Jen is asking for a motion to be tabled in the statelegislative assembly to keep UMNO from coming into Sarawak. What else does he have up his sleeve?
In fact, Chong has not been completely honest with the voters from the very beginning, the great significance and importance of Taib’s rule over Sarawak in preserving and safeguarding the state’s autonomy was intentionally “desalinated” or even, hid from the eyes of the voters. Chong did everything he could to poison the minds of the people, creating fear and hatred among them in order to gain their support. A politician who can conveniently forsake the interests of our state and our people in exchange of his own political agendas is by all means not fit to be a Sarawakian. In view of this, I think everyone would agree that Chong has no say or whatsoever in deciding or criticising the state leaders for collaborating with UMNO because the party (DAP) which he serves as well as the party’s two allies, namely PKR and PAS, are West Malaysia based parties.
Chong has no creditability or whatsoever when he said West Malaysia parties should be banned from entering Sarawak simply becausewhile the four Sarawak born and bred state Barisan component parties comprised of PBB, SUPP, SPDP and PRS are giving their unremitting efforts in preserving the state’s autonomy, DAP’s political allies, namely the radical PAS and sinister PKR, had found their ways into the land of Hornbill via their political ties with DAP. All in all, DAP is the culprit that split our people which subsequently gave way to these West Malaysia based parties to come into our once peaceful state, depriving the interests and rights of our people. If Chong Chieng Jen’s concern of UMNO’s political migration is genuine, then he should walk the talk and prove his sincerity by first quitting from DAP followed by a resolute rejection of PKR and PAS’s presence in Sarawak.
We are challenging Chong Chieng Jen to disassociate himself entirely with all the West Malaysia based parties and quit DAP immediately. The million dollar question now is, does he have the guts to do so?